
© 2015 Full Moon Maggie Productions

Site by Original Abbie.
Hosted by Galie Media

Mid December’s thoughts… and I’m back online!

December 18, 2012 - Author: Jennifer Mylod

I know…  It’s been quite a while since I’ve updated here…   I lost the HD on my studio computer in late Sept… then got knocked for a few loops with Hurricane Sandy… and I’m just now getting myself collected enough to realize, I can indeed -put my feet… back on the ground and start getting back to what I know…

The devastation and sadness from Hurricane Sandy has been overwhelming.  It wasn’t at all like loosing my entire home to fire a few years back… for that was only my family effected… just ONE family misplaced.   This hurricane hit entire communities – wherein everyone was effected one way or another… and many were in the same boat… set afloat – along with thousands of other families – drifting within a rising sea, of endless tears…

What amazed me – was there was NO WHERE to glance,  no where to rest my’s eyes… nowhere I could gaze,  that didn’t bind my throat into a tight knot of tears… for I felt everything I encountered, so acutely… and I couldn’t shield, or shy away from the pain I felt  – from what others were going through as well.  Seeing things that made NO sense…



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