The winds of this winter, somehow seem to bite – more than they ever have before… I don’t know if it’s because I have become truly spoiled with the glorious warmth of my woodstove – which I keep running 24/7… or it’s in fact, just more raw & cold than ever before. But one thing’s for sure… Ol’ man Winter seems to be sinking his teeth in, just a bit more viciously this year, and it feels like it goes right to the bone.

The bitter winds, snows & frigid temps – have made me realize the wise hibernating creatures… may have the age old wisdom of what’s good… because I could sleep this winter away in the deep, soft sleep of a bear… breathing slowly, and deeply… in rhythmic waves, softly rising and falling… waking only – at the first signs of Spring.

But the days are slowly growing longer…and the nights are settling in a little bit slower as each day draws to a close… and my oil lamps & candles – light my comfy kitchen… while the blazing fire brings the room into a zone of… “I don’t want to get out of this big, comphy chair… so I’ll sit here and play fiddle, just a while more” which is more often – than not.
The days of going out to romp in the snow have come fewer & far between… Of course… I did venture out for some hikes… and walks in the snow… Even found a beautiful fire ring in the woods… and actually danced from the joy of anticipation… of getting out camping this summer… after which – I felt rejuvenated and restored… only to scurry back to the warmth of the fire… clasping a hot cup of tea… as soon as I got back!

Perhaps it’s the after effects of Hurricane Sandy… and trying to dig out from under this devastation… and struggling to recover some semblance of what life use to be… but all I want to do is hermit… Ha-ha… more than I usually do. But really, being a modern day Hermit… is all made easier with the use of internet… for – I can have a whole, vibrant existence on Facebook with my wonderful friends far & near… laugh and joke with them, and write this blog… or emails … and I can still be a hermit… except now you’re onto me!!!
But the coolest thing – is communicating with my good friend & amazing, creative inspiration – Tom White -in NY, who’s producing a 3rd cd for me now. It is so much easier in this marvelous age of technology… and we’ve probably got “Shadow of a Crow” over 75% done… and if I must say so myself… it’s coming out – better than I ever imagined. Tom is a true Master, and has taken the songs I’ve put down for him… and polished them – into something that leaves me wide eyed, breathless… and (almost) speechless… (hah… anyone who KNOWS me… knows I’m rarely – speechless!) But I anticipate I’ll be posting some clips here soon… as soon as it’s off to the disk makers!
Also on the newest cd… I have the same, awesome graphic artist I used for “Mylodic Isle”, and she is creating my “Shadow of a Crow” cover… Original Abbie – She’s come up with the exact feel that I had hoped for – with her graphics… Here’s her link – if you want to check out her site!
So the mp3’s of tunes – and the jpegs of samples – are flying back & forth from my studio to Tom at Wizmak, & Abbie at Original Abbie… I’m hoping we’ll have this project IN HAND, by early summer… I’ll be posting the cd release party info here…
Brr… be well my friends… and stay warm! Jennifer!