
© 2015 Full Moon Maggie Productions

Site by Original Abbie.
Hosted by Galie Media

Violin Lessons – Learn Irish style violin / fiddle!

I’ve been teaching violin lessons since 2002, and enjoy teaching students between the ages of 4 and up, with all levels of playing!    I’m adaptable to students needs – and work well with students who have learning difficulties.

I offer private lessons, because I then have more ability to focus on the student and their individual needs – and thus, customize the lesson – to how the student learns best… based on their level and abilities.

I also offer group lessons – with only around 3 to 5 students – so it’s still customizable, and have done smaller groups, with siblings or such… I’m adaptable and flexible.

I teach the way it’s been done for hundreds of years… by ear!   I also offer bits of theory as we go along… as well as explaining the keys we’re playing in as related to the sharps & flats, which I think is needed for a fuller understanding of the instrument and tunes – but I keep it fun!  Who’s going to want to practice if it’s a drag… heavy or boring?

How do I teach:   I present a tune in small phrase – or ‘chunk’…  and I go over it with the student together – until that is grasped.  Then, we add the next chunk – and continue building the tune – playing it together, until the entire tune is learned.  Then we polish it up, and I show alternatives to add embellishments to make it ‘their own’.

Version 2

I truly believe that a tune will sound different – when it’s played each time, depending upon how ‘the fiddler’ is feeling, and I believe music – is what feelings sound like,  and learning how to portray that – is key to putting your heart into your music!

I currently have times open in my violin / fiddle lesson schedule… and I’m available for festival workshops as well.   To see me play – in person, I perform at St. Stephen’s Green Public House, in Spring Lake Heights, NJ – every tuesday evening from 7 to 10 pm.

Interested?   Send me an email – (there’s a ‘contact me’ link.) or   or to      Include your email address… and I’ll reply promptly & give you further details so we can get you started on  learnin’  to play fiddle!


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